Categories > Massage Therapy

Reasons People Do Not Use Their Health Benefits

It would seem common sense that most (if not all) individuals with health benefits would be taking full advantage of the services and resources available to them in order to achieve optimal health. However, despite the thousands of dollars spent each year on health insurance benefits, the vast majority of people are not using them. (more…)

What People Are Saying About Whole Family Health

Here’s what people are saying about Whole Family Health!


When to Get a Second Opinion

Receiving multiple perspectives can be useful in considering how varying medical decisions may affect daily life, in the present and in the future, and in helping decide on a course of treatment with the best outcome and fit for the individual.

Taking Care of Your Mental and Emotional Health

In life, there are sometimes obstacles that we don’t quite know how to overcome or resolve. We all have times in our lives when we feel overwhelmed, when we find it hard to keep a positive mindset, when we feel discouraged or fearful or suffocatingly sad. (more…)

How to Beat Holiday Stress

The holidays can be stressful no matter what you’re celebrating. Gifts, guests, finances – it can pile up into a big ball of stress that can make your holidays a lot less merry. So how do we celebrate without all of the tension and headaches? Here are some ways to make your holidays run smoothly. (more…)

Cupping For Your Health

What is cupping and how does it work?

Cupping therapy uses cups to create suction on the skin to promote healing. When glass cups are used, a flame is briefly introduced into the cup to heat the air; the cup is quickly placed onto the skin and as the air cools, suction is created. (more…)

5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Massage

Whenever I see a patient, I like to remind them of these 5 awesome ways to get the most out of their massage therapy. For patients I see on a regular basis, they probably grow tired of me repeating this each time, but practice makes permanent, and by practicing all of these suggestions, (more…)

Why and When a Massage is Necessary

Massage historically began as a treatment for stress reduction, relieving pain, treating injuries, and curing or preventing illness and disease in the body. For some reason, there was a shift in the massage therapy culture, which changed everything. (more…)

Massage for Hip Pain and Sciatica During Pregnancy

Leading into the second trimester, husbands get kicked out of bed and are replaced by hundreds of pillows, which are tucked in every possible crevice, yet comfort still is amiss. Its takes an hour to turn over, and the mere thought of trekking up the stairs (more…)

Fertility Massage

When a couple makes the decision to start a family, the hopes are always to get pregnant right away. But as noted in the book, “Making Babies” by Sami S.David and Jill Blakeway, “One in eight couples in the United States has trouble getting pregnant (more…)

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