Optimizing Your Health for Pregnancy

Posted by Admin

This one hour lecture focuses on how Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help prepare the body and mind for pregnancy. Having a healthy pregnancy does not just mean a doctor’s visit or two, a healthy pregnancy depends on the state of your mind, your body, what you are eating, etc.

Topics covered:

• What is Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
• How Acupuncture and TCM can help
• The 3 steps for conception
• The 3 steps to an optimal pregnancy
• Chinese Medicine perspective on fertility
• TCM and IVF: Acupuncture can help maximize results and manage unwanted side effects
• TCM approach, what to expect
• Herbal Medicine
• Diet Therapy
• Stress Management

The lecture focuses on how Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help bring about reproductive balance to the body to lay the foundation for conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are successful in treating:

• Unexplained infertility
• Endometriosis
• Uterine fibroids
• Irregular menstruation and lack of ovulation
• Sperm related issues

Date: Sunday, November 11, 2012
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Whole Family Health

We welcome your questions. To register, please call us at (780) 756-7736 or email us at info@www.wholefamilyhealth.ca.

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